Evaluation of water prices in the western part of the Hérault region (South of France). Definition of new tariffs in accordance with the WFD constraints

DIREN-Montpellier (ex DREAL)

Analysis of the consistency of water pricing practice with the recommendations of the Water Framework Directive (Directive Cadre sur l'eau)

Compétences / Outils

Pricing of services


• Based on the results of a survey, statistical analysis of water pricing data and proposal to modernise pricing when it is at odds with the spirit of the Water Framework Directive (Directive Cadre Eau) 
• As part of the AQUA 2020 project, a survey was carried out and statistics processed on the billing methods used for water and sanitation by 350 municipalities in the Hérault region (South of France). Based on the results of the survey, we are formulating proposals for the evolution of pricing tools that are compatible with the objectives of the WFD.

Building the new economic cost-sharing model for the OMVS public and common infrastructures
  • Sénégal
  • Mali
  • Mauritanie
  • Guinée
Elaboration of a Water Resource Management Model on the scale of Martinique including the analysis of decision support scenarios
Office de l'Eau Martinique
  • Martinique