AFD supports the most vulnerable countries in their adaptation policies and fight against climate change within the framework of the "Adapt'Action" mechanism. Mauritius, as a SIDS - Small Island Developing State - is facing many challenges related to the effects of climate change, including coastal erosion, increased flash floods and the risk of marine submersion. Within the framework of the "Enhancing resilience to Climate Change (ER2C)" project, AFD is supporting the Republic of Mauritius in addressing these issues by providing the necessary resources and technical expertise.
Climate change
Cost-benefit analysis
The study aims to analyse the issues related to climate change, and to define adaptation actions:
• Climate change vulnerability analysis: analysis of the socio-economic vulnerability of selected areas in the framework of the study with regard to climate change (flood and coastal erosion risks)
• Field data collection (adaptation costs and damage costs, vulnerability of economic sectors to climate change)
• Assessment of the vulnerability of different economic sectors: tourism, industry, agriculture
• Assessment of the economic value of assets exposed to climate change impacts
• Definition of adaptation actions and cost-benefit analysis of these actions
• Supporting the Land Drainage Authority in the preparation of a flood risk management plan