Cost-benefit analysis of the programmes of measures on the water bodies of the RMC Basin. Drafting of arguments for derogation for disproportionate costs

AERMC - Agence de l'Eau Rhône Méditerranée Corse

The application of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires the carrying out of cost-benefit analyses (CBA) of programmes of measures for the restoration of good status of water bodies. These analyses allow stakeholders to assess whether the benefits of environmental restoration measures outweigh the costs. The particularity of these analyses is that they broaden the scope of the evaluation to include non-market costs and benefits in order to integrate social and environmental costs and benefits.

Compétences / Outils

Investment evaluation


Cost-benefit analysis 


• Elaboration of the methodology of cost-benefit analyses, control of the executions, construction of indicators to evaluate the contributive capacity of the economic actors
• Economic analyses and drafting of derogation arguments for water bodies with disproportionate costs
• Application of "cost-advantage" analysis in the context of the Water Framework Directive
• Valuation of externalities through the value transfer technique

Building the new economic cost-sharing model for the OMVS public and common infrastructures
  • Sénégal
  • Mali
  • Mauritanie
  • Guinée
Elaboration of a Water Resource Management Model on the scale of Martinique including the analysis of decision support scenarios
Office de l'Eau Martinique
  • Martinique