The consequences of the NOTRe law in the Haute-Loire department: reflection on merging water and sanitation services

Agence de l'Eau Loire-Bretagne

The recent territorial reforms have initiated a revision of the distribution of competences in water management (GEMAPI, drinking water, sanitation, rainwater). These structural changes have forced local authorities to reflect on the future organisation of water services: what local governance ? what optimal size of service ? what territorial solidarity(ies) ? etc.
The Haute-Loire prefecture wished to draw up an inventory of the issues involved in the transfer of the "small cycle" competence on a departmental scale, by involving all the project owners in the discussions.

Compétences / Outils


Territorial analysis


• Diagnostics: technical, operational and financial diagnostics of water and sanitation services in the department
• Putting it into perspective: comparison of the results of the diagnoses with territories similar to the department
• Feedback: capitalisation of feedback from local authorities involved in the consolidation of water services
• Comparison of evolution scenarios: proposal and comparison of evolution scenarios for the structuring of water services at the departmental level
• Facilitating a debate: presentation and popularisation of the results, discussion to encourage the appropriation of a shared diagnosis

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  • Guinée
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  • Martinique