This is an update of the financial analysis of the study conducted by Ireedd in 2016/2017 on behalf of DINEPA and the World Bank. The objective is to develop business plans for each of the 22 Technical Operation Centres based on an investment plan to improve the number of customers connected to the existing network and increase the coverage of water services by 2030. The work includes analysis of the financial sustainability of urban water services.
Financial analysis
Drinking water
Phase 1 = Analysis of water sector financing in Haiti
• Update the analysis carried out in 2017 by adding the analysis of the last budget years
Phase 2 = Analysis of the financial sustainability of the Technical Operations Centres (Analysis of the current situation)
• This phase of the study will answer the following questions: What is the cost structure of the service ? Are the incompressible expenses under control ? Is the service financially balanced ? Is the organisation of the services optimal ?
Phase 3 = Building a model for assessing the financial sustainability of TOCs that incorporates investment plans (Planning exercise)
• This last phase consists of establishing the necessary tools for the social, financial and technical sustainability of the 22 TOCs for the next ten years