Socio-economic and environmental assessment of the water strategy for the Elle-Isole-Laïta territory

Syndicat Mixte Ellé-Isole-Laïta

In a context of increasing scarcity of access to good quality water in sufficient quantity, the Ellé-Isole-Laïta territory has undertaken a reflection on the links between the economy, territorial development and access to the resource: What are the uses of water in the catchment area ? What are the consequences of a reduction in water availability ? In terms of public action, who finances what ? What are the financial flows associated with water management ? What (new) actions need to be taken in the next 5-10 years ?

Compétences / Outils

Ecosystem services

Policy evaluation


Within the framework of the elaboration of the Water Development and Management Scheme (SAGE) and the implementation of a Strategic Water Action Programme (PASE), the Ellé Isole Laita basin is considering the relationship between socio-economic uses and water resources. The study aims to improve the PASE project by deepening the following points: 
• Inventory of water uses
• Valuation of the cost of inaction and ecosystem services
• Evaluation of water management financing channels
• Costing of the PASE
• Elaboration of the monitoring dashboard of the PASE

Building the new economic cost-sharing model for the OMVS public and common infrastructures
  • Sénégal
  • Mali
  • Mauritanie
  • Guinée
Elaboration of a Water Resource Management Model on the scale of Martinique including the analysis of decision support scenarios
Office de l'Eau Martinique
  • Martinique