Second phase of the study for the pricing of drinking water services in rural areas

Office des Forages Ruraux du Sénégal

In order to ensure the production and distribution of drinking water throughout rural Senegal, OFOR - Office des Forages Ruraux - wishes to establish a pricing structure that is economically efficient and socially accepted in all areas of the country, thus ensuring the financial balance of the service. 

Compétences / Outils


Drinking water


Development of a tariff structure for 8 rural regions in Senegal: 
• Data collection, review and analysis of existing literature
• Critical analysis of total water demand
• Analysis of the costs of the service: analysis of average costs in the reference situation, and projection of costs to 2030
• Financial modelling of rural water services
• Grouping of water services by geographical region, modelling of the financial sustainability of the services, determination of equilibrium prices and proposal of tariff grids

Building the new economic cost-sharing model for the OMVS public and common infrastructures
  • Sénégal
  • Mali
  • Mauritanie
  • Guinée
Elaboration of a Water Resource Management Model on the scale of Martinique including the analysis of decision support scenarios
Office de l'Eau Martinique
  • Martinique