Critical analysis of European and French methodologies for calculating the external costs of road transport

Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l'Energie

A study, based on the European methodology for calculating the external costs of transport, estimates the cost of environmental externalities (local air pollution, noise and greenhouse gases) of private cars in Europe at 3% of European GDP, i.e. €1,500/year/vehicle in France, including €150 for local air pollution.
It can be seen that, according to the European methodology, the environmental external costs of road transport are dwarfed by those related to infrastructure, congestion and safety. The purpose of this study will be to understand the cause of this and to assess the accuracy of this representation as well as that of the 2013 Quinet report.

Compétences / Outils

Environmental costs


• Presentation and explanation of the European and French methodologies
• Critical analysis of European and French methodologies
• Proposal of new estimates of environmental external costs and formulation of recommendationsmulation de recommandations.

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