Economic and financial evaluation of AquaDomitia. Definition of water tariffs for domestic, industrial and agricultural uses.

Groupe BRL

First ex-ante cost recovery study of a public project.
The Aqua Domitia programme (400 M€) extends the Regional Hydraulic Network in Languedoc-Roussillon to meet several objectives: securing the water supply of a hundred or so communes, supporting the economic development of the territories and adapting to climate change.
The question that is raised in this study is that of cost recovery of the facility between the beneficiaries of public services and the beneficiaries of private services. In other words, the public-private financing of the facility. 

Compétences / Outils

Water pricing

Cost-benefit analysis

Capacity to pay analysis


• Evaluation of the private and public economic impacts of the Aqua Domitia project (Calculation of the socio-economic Net Present Value, the Internal Rate of Return, the Cost/Benefit ratio).
• Analysis of equity and efficiency in programme cost sharing and recovery
• Assessment of project cost recovery rates between private and public actors
• Elaboration of a rule for sharing the costs of the programme between the collective benefits and the water users (water for various uses-water for agricultural use and raw water in bulk) which ensures that there is no transfer between project beneficiaries

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